A sketch of a program for discussing literature you have
read. Note: do not prepare cool performances, this is truly about discussing
literature on your topics and methods.
1. Please give an idea what the book/article you have read
was about.
2. Identify basic concepts or conceptual settings.
3. And think what concept/setting is meaningful for your
research and topic, and how.
Some people have read the same texts. One student/team will
present the text, but other(s) please engage in a dialog and comment, add your
own thoughts and insights and what concept/setting is meaningful to you and
how. Everybody please make questions and participate!
I am not 100% sure you have read the texts you named, or
those I suggested. This program is also a suggestion, please let me know if I
am making it under false assumptions… I am drafting a pretty tight schedule, so
that everybody will have opportunity to talk about some text, and that we can
cover the most important topics.
The main point is to discuss literature, and to get a view
how to use it in the research. I am concentrating on the conceptual and
topic-related literature, but please bring out also questions pertaining to
method in the discussions.
Tuesday 9.4.
10.15 – 11.30 Holy places: ancient holy places, Aurajoki,
hospitals – what is holy.
Durkheim: Heta presents, Hanna comments.
Eliade: Satu presents, Henna comments
Topic-literature on Holy place: Suomenlinna: Susanna
11.45 – 13.00 Rituals: Smoking, garden plot gardening,
walking dogs
Smith: Suvi presents, IP comments
Douglas: IP presents
Topic-literature on walking dogs and rituals: Opri presents
Wednesday 10.4.
10.15 – 11.30 Rituals: Pitkäsilta, MC gangs, pubs, grills
Boundaries: Neea
MC gangs and rituals: Johanna & Johanna
Pubs and rituals: Marta presents, Corey comments
11.45 – 13.00 Holy things: Museums, Holy child, used things
Strong: Gerardo presents, Juste & Teie comment
Visual narrations: Raila presents
Used things and what is sacred about them, Juste & Teie
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